beneath คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 in a lower position than; under; below -- ข้างล่าง; อยู่ใต้

  • 1 not worthy of -- ไม่คุ้มค่า

  • 2 below or underneath -- อยู่ข้างล่าง; อยู่ข้างใต้

    • They watched the boat breaking up on the rocks beneath.


ตัวอย่างของ beneath

  • The interaction beam was incident on a plastic target whose thickness could be varied beneath which a layer of deuterated plastic was placed.

  • The result is to create an impression of forces at work and on the move - beneath the explicit musical gestures of the characters.

  • The epidermal matrix 'within' the scale is characterized by the presence of a number of large mitochondria which lie immediately beneath the scale.

  • Note the presence of numerous mitochondria (m) and ribosomes (r) beneath the scale.

  • By this means it was possible to introduce beneath the filter paper wide-mouthed bottles containing the various odoriferous substances.

  • Morphological changes include the coalescence of lipid droplets and the appearance of a hyaline layer beneath the cuticle.

  • The epidermal nuclei are situated beneath the basement lamina and subepidermal musculature.

  • Except immediately beneath the epidermal scales, ribosomes are not generally found within the outer epidermis.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
