tuner แปลว่า

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ความหมายของ tuner ในภาษาไทย

  • 0 (also piano-tuner) a person whose profession is tuning pianos. -- ผู้ตั้งเสียง

  • 1 the dial on a radio etc used to tune in to the different stations. -- ปุ่มปรับคลื่นของวิทยุ

  • 2 a radio which is part of a stereo system. -- วิทยุที่เป็นส่วนหนึ่งของเครื่องเสียง

คำจำกัดความเพิ่มเติมของ tuner

ตัวอย่าง tuner

  • They do not argue for blind bus drivers or deaf piano tuners; nor do they believe that all acts of discrimination can be ended overnight.

  • Most of our trainees go out into the world either as piano-tuners or as stenographers.

  • We know that the objective of the dockers, whether they be white or blue, is to get into such places as container depots and to take work away from tuners.

  • Is it that if they are male blind piano tuners they get their pay augmented, but that if they are women blind stenographers they do not?

  • We have the de-tuners or "splitters," as they are called, to tear up the noise so that it escapes in a ragged rather than in a large comprehensive mass.

  • Sponsorship money flows to the top teams and permeates through to other sectors of the industry, from component manufacturers to engine tuners, from gearbox specialists to wheel manufacturers.

  • Other features were reverse headstock (with the tuners on the treble side) and banjo -style planetary geared tuning keys, as well as mini-humbucking pickups.

  • Electronic television tuners also went hand-in-hand with the rise of cable television.

ตัวอย่างเพิ่มเติมของ tuner

คำแปลของ tuner ในภาษาอื่น

  • 中文繁体

    (收音機、電視等的)調諧鈕,調諧鍵, (音響系統裡的)收音機…

  • 中文简体

    (收音机、电视等的)调谐钮,调谐键, (音响系统里的)收音机…

  • Español

    afinador, sintonizador…

  • Français

    accordeur/-euse, tuner, syntonisateur…

  • Malay

    penala, radio…

  • Deutsch

    der Instrumentenstimmer / die Instrumentenstimmerin, der Tuner…

  • Norwegian

    pianostemmer, innstillingsknapp, tuner…

  • Čeština

    ladič, ladění, tuner…

คำแปลเพิ่มเติมของ tuner



May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
