between แปลว่า

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ความหมายของ between ในภาษาไทย

  • 0 in, to, through or across the space dividing two people, places, times etc -- อยู่ระหว่างสิ่งสองสิ่ง

    • There was a gap of about a foot between the car and the pavement/sidewalk

    • We’re expecting her to arrive between 2 o’clock and 2.30

    • You should not eat between meals.

  • 1 concerning the relationship of two things or people -- ระหว่างสิ่งหนึ่งกับอีกสิ่งหนึ่ง

  • 2 by the combined action of; working together -- สิ่งที่รวมกัน

    • They managed it between them.

  • 3 part to one (person or thing), part to (the other) -- ระหว่าง

คำจำกัดความเพิ่มเติมของ between

ตัวอย่าง between

  • The existence and activities of ' go-betweens ' are intrinsic to any process of colonisation, however defined.

  • They can sometimes defuse a situation and sometimes act as unofficial go-betweens with the commanders of the potential rivals.

  • Instead, we have had to rely on journalists to act as go-betweens, and on many an occasion they have been rather inadequate go-betweens.

  • The passengers are the unfortunate go-betweens in this usually politically-inspired action.

  • They are the go-betweens of the officers and the men, and they are the finest lot of people we have in the ships.

  • However, one does not want to see this legislation tip the scales against the interests of the in-betweens, or marginals.

  • The provision is also likely to catch negotiators, mediators and go-betweens of one kind or another who probably genuinely seek to resolve a conflict or defuse a situation.

  • The correlation between the two sets of country-level means is strong though not perfect (r 0.69, p 0.001).

ตัวอย่างเพิ่มเติมของ between

คำแปลของ between ในภาษาอื่น

  • 中文繁体

    空間, (空間上)在…中間,在…之間, 數量…

  • 中文简体

    空间, (空间上)在…中间,在…之间, 数量…

  • Español

    entre, entremedias, en medio…

  • Português

    entre, no meio, no intervalo…

  • 日本語

    (2つ)の間に, ~と~の間に, ~から~の間(2つの時間・出来事)…

  • Türk dili

    arasında (mesafe), arasında (zaman, süreç)…

  • Français

    entre, entre les deux, au milieu…

  • Catalan

    entre, entremig…

คำแปลเพิ่มเติมของ between



May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
