valiant Определение на русском языке

  • 0 very brave -- храбрый, отважный


Examples of valiant

  • Despite valiant, if misguided, efforts to romanticize the role of a census bureau, it is not immediately obvious what political and substantive role a census plays in a polity.

  • It was a valiant attempt to reunite body and architecture - to put people before krypton atoms and the speed of light, to save mankind from the abstractions of pure science.

  • Players and spectators alike have only one thing in mind as the titans clash in valiant effort to defeat their opponents and win that cup at the end.

  • Valiant as our cottage-industry efforts were, we finally recognized that any effort short of a nationally co-ordinated massproduction effort would be inevitably overwhelmed by the inexorable rate of continuing deterioration.

  • In their introduction to the volume, the editors make a valiant, if ultimately doomed, effort to tie together the disparate strands from all these papers into a unified whole.

  • As a result, the coverage and the references in these two chapters are a superficial summary, albeit a valiant one.

  • Chapter 2 describes the digital encoding process, and in a valiant attempt to make the explanations simple, some unusual problems have crept in.

  • Yet, taken as a whole, this valiant effort is not wholly successful.




May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
