shroud Определение на русском языке


Examples of shroud

  • The burning of the cooperative building is still shrouded in mystery, but some people believe that the building was torched by guerrillas who regarded cooperatives as symbols of colonial exploitation.

  • Although virulent clonal groups arise, diversify and decay throughout the years through genetic recombination, immune selection and mutation [15, 18, 24, 39, 40], the dynamics of meningococcal carriage remains shrouded.

  • Cotton and agave fibers and at least two other tentatively identified fiber types are associated with the interments and represent clothing, burial shrouds, and personal accoutrements.

  • A not uncommon misconception about jazz is that players extemporise their music out of nothingness, that jazz improvisation is unbounded by recognisable rules, a sonic expatiation shrouded in mystery.

  • Although a clear definitional distinction can be made between shreading, shredding or shrouding and pollarding, we cannot be certain that the authors used the two terms consistently.

  • In the meantime, the precise contours of their relationship remains, like everything else in this poem, shrouded from view.

  • She sets out to illuminate the side of nature which is defined by being perpetually shrouded in darkness.

  • The policy process was shrouded in secrecy and this sometimes led to struggles between politicians and civil servants, the ultimate implementers of government programmes.




May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
