self-made Определение на русском языке

  • 0 rich because you have earned a lot of money yourself -- добившийся успеха своими силами


Examples of self-made

  • Nowhere on that earth is there a self-made man.

  • However, when it comes to a choice between the self-made man and those who inherit their wealth, they help those who inherit their wealth.

  • He was every inch a self-made man, very positive in his beliefs, in himself and his opinions, very unwilling to listen to arguments of others.

  • Finally, self-made materials motivate children.

  • Most of the editors of these periodicals were self-made men; having educated themselves out of obscurity, they were anxious to exhort their fellows to do the same.

  • Of working-class background and trained as a typographer, he was the quintessential self-made intellectual, known as the most philosophical of proletarians and the most proletarian of philosophers.

  • According to these texts, the successful achievement of middle-class manhood, represented by the figure of the ' ' self-made man, ' ' rested on the careful manipulation and presentation of one's own inner life.

  • His position as the archetypal self-made tory was his greatest justification for hierarchy and inequality.




May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
