revolutionize Определение на русском языке

  • 0 to change something in every way so that it is much better -- преображать коренным образом

    • This will revolutionize the way we do business.


Examples of revolutionize

  • In the same way, the advent of the computer era is rapidly revolutionizing the linguistic study of extant records.

  • And during the 20th century the dialectic between anthropocentrism and pluralism was revolutionized time and again by stunning discoveries in astronomy and cosmology.

  • Its physical character was recast, its social structures revolutionized, its complexity hugely magnified.

  • The discovery and use of arsenical solutions in dipping vats for treating cattle to protect them against ticks revolutionized tick and tick-borne disease control programmes.

  • At about the same time, they began publishing archaeological theory and methodology that revolutionized the discipline.

  • It is the structures of language, thought and feeling underpinning social and economic relations which need to be revolutionized via symbolic change.

  • Its use has revolutionized our understanding of tsetse behaviour and ecology, and it is now being used increasingly elsewhere in entomology.

  • The widespread availability of digital multimedia has revolutionized the way in which space sciences content can be shared with informal science education audiences.




May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
