person Определение на русском языке

  • 0 a human being -- человек, личность

    • He is a very dangerous person.

    • You're the only person I know here.

  • 1 If you do something in person, you go somewhere to do it yourself. -- лично

    • If you can't be there in person the next best thing is watching it on TV.


Examples of person

  • Cohorts have potentially distinctive outcomes as a result of the interaction of developing persons with distinctive aspects of the milieus in which they develop.

  • In addition, assessments of the perceived difficulty of activities provides some information about the person's effectiveness in everyday life.

  • The three smallest (2 - 5 % of the total sample each) included persons from only one age group.

  • More specifically, it is difficult to tell whether one person's resulting utterance (aesthetic or prosaic) is correct, or even appropriate to the situation.

  • Thus, the difference between two nonphysical persons is accountable on the grounds that they are affected by different physical objects.

  • There is some popular literature that commends persons to be their own best friends.

  • Is it possible that such a split brain and body transfer would result in your becoming two persons?

  • A defender of the argument may believe that at no time have persons existed or will exist without their bodies.




May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
