abhorrent Определение на русском языке

  • 0 morally very bad -- отвратительный, гнусный, мерзкий


Examples of abhorrent

  • It takes away the right of free speech, and it does all the things that are abhorrent to every civilised people.

  • I would find it abhorrent if human remains in war graves were disturbed, unless there were overriding imperatives of marine or environmental safety.

  • Using patients as hostages, as happened last year, is abhorrent to any fair-minded person.

  • With the exceptions we have noted, writers simply assume that the manipulation of voting schemes is abhorrent and then consider the possibilities for avoiding strategic voting.

  • Clinicians in particular, highly educated and trained to care for vulnerable people, are prone to view racism as morally abhorrent, as a violation of both personal and professional values.

  • While his misogyny and imperialism may seem alien and indeed abhorrent to modern readers, the book's value as a historical document remains undiminished.

  • Colonial pragmatism required its adoption, even though such methods might be regarded as culturally alien and abhorrent.

  • He cannot admit the possible authenticity of anything he happens to find abhorrent and irreconcilable to his categories of valuation.




May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
