
Это слово examples, относящееся к truant. Щелкните любое слово, чтобы перейти на страницу сведений о нем. Или, перейти к определению truant.

Примеры truant

  • The police do not have a general power to return truants to school.

  • The suggestion about rounding up truants would also require very careful thinking before one could contemplate taking it any further.

  • Anyone who has worked with persistent truants knows that they often come from difficult, disrupted and unstable family backgrounds.

  • In many cases, that was my experience as a teacher in dealing with truants and their parents.

  • The percentage of time missed due to truancy is decreasing, and children are truanting for shorter periods.

  • They go out and about in the city, on a day-to-day basis, picking up truants and taking them back to where they should be.

  • By the former, the report means truants, and so on.

  • Truants are people who have all the broad social difficulties and truancy is related to juvenile delinquency, vandalism and other such behaviour.

  • In the built-up areas the problem is the congregation of pigeons which are either truants from captivity or their progeny.

  • I asked the person in charge of the centre how many truants there were.

  • Often they have never had their basic skills addressed professionally; they may have truanted from school or opted out of education.

  • I cannot believe that it will be in the interests of the truants themselves that their parents run the risk of serving time in prison.

  • I have been told of a case involving a friend of mine whose daughter persistently truanted from a very reputable school.

  • Children who have been excluded or who are truanting intimidate children when they leave school.

  • They tend to have truanted at school and as a result are poorly educated and trained.

Значение truant

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May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
