
Это слово examples, относящееся к crept. Щелкните любое слово, чтобы перейти на страницу сведений о нем. Или, перейти к определению crept.

Примеры crept

  • During this period of transcription, perhaps certain anachronisms and historical inaccuracies may have crept into the text.

  • Unfortunately, a bug has crept into the adapted code, leading to a black hole.

  • Chapter 2 describes the digital encoding process, and in a valiant attempt to make the explanations simple, some unusual problems have crept in.

  • All that is basically true, but a fundamental error crept in when the jazz writers sought to explain how and why these two black communities came together.

  • Such deficits could lead to difficulties in performing the motor sequencing presumably involved in the production of the final consonant clusters found in many inflected forms (looked, stalked, kept, crept).

  • Despite an attempt at rationalizing the fiscal system, the politics of votes, threats and bargaining appears to have crept into even the institutions specifically designed to overcome such politicization.

  • Compared to speaking, the absolute number and percentage of omissions are so high that one may reasonably expect such errors to have crept in, if they existed.

  • Inaccuracies could have crept in here.

  • The two test verbs, designated as irregular by the experimenter, were modelled on genuine verb alternations : pell\pold (cf. sell\sold) and streep\strept (cf. creep\crept).

  • I would like to correct one error which has crept into the debate.

  • Unfortunately, some management gobbledegook has crept in too; things like, "360 degree feedback".

  • A sort of fatalism seems to have crept into those areas as if they are driven by forces totally beyond their control.

  • I was afraid that some reference to a reduction in arms might have crept into his remarks.

  • I am still astonished how it has crept up on us, almost unnoticed.

  • Perhaps reality crept in towards the early 1990s, when it was, to some extent, realised that such an attitude was mistaken.

Значение crept

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May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
