Znaczenie słowa toll W języku polskim


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Examples of toll

  • The expected death tolls of these projects can therefore be entered into the analysis.

  • The latter feature deals critically with the alleged demise of whom ('the bell tolls for whom') and the spread of the genitive, a reversal of expected tendencies.

  • Private ownership of lighthouses, which had existed for centuries, came under increasing attack, due to the burdens high tolls and decentralized management were said to impose on the public.

  • Though tolls sometimes involved the royal right of pre-emption, and probably levies in kind on ships' cargoes, money must have been for all parties a more convenient medium for payment.

  • From the king's standpoint money tolls gave access to the silver bullion on which royal power partly depended without putting him to the trouble of fighting for it.

  • The eight-minute second movement, marked = c. 48, opens with a brief solo elegy from the violin, which is soon joined by tolling piano chords which roll into a bluesy nightscape.

  • In an ancient borough, the importance of the large town gate was associated with public order, the collection of tolls and a venue for meetings of guildsmen and freemen.

  • All caravans that made their way inland and back in the nineteenth century passed through regions dominated by coastal hinterland polities, who demanded transit tolls to pass through their lands.


Tłumaczenia słowa toll w innych językach

  • 中文繁体

    收費, (道路、橋梁等的)通行費, 長途電話費…

  • 中文简体

    收费, (道路、桥梁等的)通行费, 长途电话费…

  • Español

    peaje, tarifa interurbana, precio…

  • Português

    pedágio, portagem, tarifa interurbana…

  • Türk dili

    (köprü, yol vb.) geçiş/giriş ücreti, (yaralı…

  • Français

    nombre [masculine] de (victimes), bilan [masculine], péage [masculine]…

  • Čeština

    vyzvánět, mýto, mostné…

  • Dansk

    ringe, bompenge, betalings-…


Czytanie dwujęzyczne

Managing Your Emotions

  • What makes me angry?

    Co mnie złości?

  • Mostly,l hate when someone tries to make someone else feel bad.

    Przede wszystkim nienawidzę, gdy ktoś próbuje sprawić, by ktoś inny poczuł się źle.

  • I have to admit that once, when l was actually called names.

    Muszę przyznać, że kiedyś, kiedy faktycznie mnie wyzywano.

  • l regretted doing this afterwards, but not full heartedly because l think l was provoked in that situation.

    Żałowałem tego później, ale nie z całego serca, ponieważ myślałem, że zostałem sprowokowany w w tej sytuacji.

  • The most postive way of dealing with anger is talking about the problem.

    Najbardziej pozytywnym sposobem radzenia sobie z gniewem jest rozmowa o problemie.

  • l talk to someone who listens, or l'll write my thoughts down on paper.

    Porozmawiaj z kimś, kto mnie wysłucha, albo zapiszę swoje myśli na papierze.

  • Learning how to deal with anger as you're growing up is so important.

    Nauczenie się, jak radzić sobie z gniewem w miarę dorastania, jest bardzo ważne.

  • When you're younger, you might yell,or cry when you're angry, but as you get older, you're expected to handle your emotions much better.

    Kiedy jesteś młodszy, możesz krzyczeć lub płakać, gdy jesteś zły, ale z wiekiem jesteś Oczekuje się, że znacznie lepiej poradzisz sobie z emocjami.

  • Learning to control your emotion now will prevent you from doing something that you'll regret later on in life!

    Nauczenie się kontrolowania swoich emocji teraz uniemożliwi ci zrobienie czegoś, co zrobisz żałować w późniejszym życiu!



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