Znaczenie słowa registrar W języku polskim


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Automatyczne rozpoznawanie

Examples of registrar

  • Parish registrars and hospital clerks, for example, selected those facts considered essential for their assigned tasks.

  • However, when asked to describe how frequently they saw mental health problems, the registrars' accounts varied.

  • While practice counsellors were commonly attached to the practices, few registrars seemed to be sure of the precise referral criteria and the type of counselling offered.

  • Fifty-five percent of the respondents were house officers or senior house officers, whereas 39% were registrars, 3% were senior registrars, and 3% held other junior grades.

  • Therefore, we discussed with the registrars to what extent knowledge of local resources, previous training and current support facilitated confidence in the management of mental health problems.

  • The emphasis of directors of postgraduate education was on the retention of registrars by improving the experience of vocational training in terms of both course content and personal requirements.

  • In fact, they seem to have employed an impressive number of registrars: in 1906, for example, a total of 102 were working in the different police offices of the capital.

  • Senior registrars occupy an accredited post in medical oncology and aspire to a consultant position after four years of training, which includes laboratory or clinical research experience.


Tłumaczenia słowa registrar w innych językach

  • 中文繁体

    保存記錄, (尤指出生、死亡和婚姻登記的)登記員,戶籍管理員, (某些大學的)註冊主任,教務主任,教務長…

  • 中文简体

    保存记录, (尤指出生、死亡和婚姻登记的)登记员,户籍管理员, (某些大学的)注册主任,教务主任,教务长…

  • Español

    agente de registro, secretario, -a de admisiones…

  • Português

    escriturário, -a, agente de registro…

  • Türk dili

    (sicil) kayıt/evrak memuru/memuresi, nüfus/evlendirme memuru/memuresi, öğrenci işleri/kayıt kabul işleri memuru/memuresi…

  • Français

    teneur/-euse des registres (de l’état civil), interne…

  • Čeština

    matrikář, odborný lékař…

  • Dansk

    registrator, afdelingslæge…


Czytanie dwujęzyczne

Managing Your Emotions

  • What makes me angry?

    Co mnie złości?

  • Mostly,l hate when someone tries to make someone else feel bad.

    Przede wszystkim nienawidzę, gdy ktoś próbuje sprawić, by ktoś inny poczuł się źle.

  • I have to admit that once, when l was actually called names.

    Muszę przyznać, że kiedyś, kiedy faktycznie mnie wyzywano.

  • l regretted doing this afterwards, but not full heartedly because l think l was provoked in that situation.

    Żałowałem tego później, ale nie z całego serca, ponieważ myślałem, że zostałem sprowokowany w w tej sytuacji.

  • The most postive way of dealing with anger is talking about the problem.

    Najbardziej pozytywnym sposobem radzenia sobie z gniewem jest rozmowa o problemie.

  • l talk to someone who listens, or l'll write my thoughts down on paper.

    Porozmawiaj z kimś, kto mnie wysłucha, albo zapiszę swoje myśli na papierze.

  • Learning how to deal with anger as you're growing up is so important.

    Nauczenie się, jak radzić sobie z gniewem w miarę dorastania, jest bardzo ważne.

  • When you're younger, you might yell,or cry when you're angry, but as you get older, you're expected to handle your emotions much better.

    Kiedy jesteś młodszy, możesz krzyczeć lub płakać, gdy jesteś zły, ale z wiekiem jesteś Oczekuje się, że znacznie lepiej poradzisz sobie z emocjami.

  • Learning to control your emotion now will prevent you from doing something that you'll regret later on in life!

    Nauczenie się kontrolowania swoich emocji teraz uniemożliwi ci zrobienie czegoś, co zrobisz żałować w późniejszym życiu!



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