treble definicja W języku polskim

  • 0 to increase three times in size or amount, or to make something do this -- potroić (się), zwiększać (się) trzykrotnie


Examples of treble

  • He can employ, and would employ, 25 men instead of 16, which would mean that in three years he had trebled his labour force.

  • My majority trebled; in fact it more than trebled.

  • Youth unemployment has actually trebled and gone up disproportionately.

  • On the same basis, the number of amenity dwellings has trebled to more than 8,500.

  • In the iron and steel trades unemployment has trebled since they came into office, and in engineering it has nearly trebled.

  • I think it has probably trebled, but certainly it has more than doubled, because it has doubled since about 1914.

  • If that is to be achieved, the upper value limit of £500 should be at least doubled, and perhaps even trebled.

  • The number of individual shareholders has more than trebled since 1979.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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