
Są to słowa examples powiązane z silt. Kliknij dowolne słowo, aby przejść do strony szczegółów tego słowa. Lub, przejdź do definicji silt.

Przykłady silt

  • The basal parallel-bedded sands and silts of this unit contain abundant but fragmentary carbon compressions and poorly preserved compressed coniferous branches.

  • The upper half is more heterogeneous and consists of an irregular alternation of clays, silts and finer sands.

  • Thickness of individual silt beds increases towards the top, while representation of clayey silt layers decreases.

  • Modification of silt microstructure by hydrocarbon contamination in freezing ground.

  • The soil texture is silty clay loam with 29, 47, and 24% sand, silt and clay respectively, and illite is the dominant clay mineral.

  • Conformably overlying the sandstones are approximately 5 m of beige-brown to olive green weathering sands and silts.

  • In medium-textured soils, such as silts, the conditions discussed above are satisfied.

  • The soil texture is 46 % sand, 46 % clay and 8 % silt.

  • The surface 15 cm layer has 69.7 % sand, 18.2 % silt and 12.0 % clay.

  • Below the clay there is sandy soil containing only from 4-5 to 8-8 per cent, silt and clay.

  • Mechanical analysis was used to determine percent sand, silt and clay using a soil hydrometer method17,18.

  • The calcrete is of two types; the first one is rich in silt with low clay content, and generally overlies the mottled silty sandstone lithofacies.

  • Physical soil analysis revealed a sandy loam texture with fractions of 78% sand, 10% silt and 12% clay.

  • The role of glaciers in producing silt is emphasized, and the sources and redistribution mechanisms are explained.

  • Furthermore, through x-radiographic, grain size and magnetic susceptibility analyses, large-scale rhythmic changes between sand beds and fine silts were detected in the core.

Znaczenie silt

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