
Są to słowa examples powiązane z sensation. Kliknij dowolne słowo, aby przejść do strony szczegółów tego słowa. Lub, przejdź do definicji sensation.

Przykłady sensation

  • No longer was music's dependence on immediate sensations a drawback or a shortcoming, but rather the source of its strength and expressive power.

  • Physical structures are grasped as embodied sensations, through an unconscious bodily mimesis.

  • The sites at which these sensations were produced were concentrated in the very medial and anterior regions, possibly the medial dorsal and periventricular nuclei.

  • Ratings of painful heat/burn sensations showed no significant dependence on either the frequency or the number of pulses.

  • The flexibility of the design is introduced by allowing for variation of sensations and particularities of motor actions of the setting.

  • Varying arousal levels and differing cognitive appraisals, given past experiences and the current context, further differentiate these sensations of negative valence.

  • Secondary impressions are sensations that arise as a result of the workings of the mind (7-8, 275-7).

  • Most important of these is the emergence of the distinction between measuring sensations, and measuring their causes.

  • On this view, sensations do not stand to me by way of some external relation.

  • A government continually at a distance and out of sight, can hardly be expected to interest the sensations of the people.

  • Just as sensory and motor systems operate in tandem, so do sensations and ideas.

  • Humans can discriminate a large number of color sensations, which can be combined into a vast range of color schemes.

  • An ' ' affect ' ' is not the representation of a feeling, they argue, but a synthesized ' ' bloc of sensations ' ' that has its own distinct ' ' being.

  • Emotions were not just biological experiences but sensations which could be elicited and regulated.

  • All the participants suggested that the internal sensations of breathing impacted significantly on their playing.

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