
Są to słowa examples powiązane z left-handed. Kliknij dowolne słowo, aby przejść do strony szczegółów tego słowa. Lub, przejdź do definicji left-handed.

Przykłady left-handed

  • If cerebral asymmetries for human vocalisation truly have the ancient lineage argued here, why should any modern humans be right-brained or left-handed?

  • The autocatalysis makes the lefthanded, (respectively right-handed) polymers catalyse the production of left-handed (respectively right-handed) building blocks.

  • For example, does the brain process righthanded gestures differently from left-handed gestures in language production?

  • Only one eye was tested, right eye in righthanded and left eye in left-handed subjects.

  • There should be a monotonically increasing function of the overall concentration of the left-handed polymers.

  • These wave modes have transverse circular polarization and are named 'right-handed' (upper signs) and 'left-handed' (lower signs).

  • In figure 1 (a) shown a left-handed trefoil knot (solid line) with the centreline of a circular is torus (dashed line) though it.

  • Certain arrangements can exist in distinct left-handed and right-handed versions.

  • Its geometry is left-handed in contrast to thioredoxins where it is right-handed.

  • Individual chains adopt a right-handed -helical conformation, and two parallel chains aggregate in axial register to form a left-handed coiled-coil molecule.

  • The left-handed patients were analysed by reversing the left-right axis in the brain.

  • The outer part has all of its contacts with the neighbouring subunit along the left-handed five-start helix.

  • Intermediate rotation can generate either right- or left-handed structures.

  • The packet created by a strongly asymmetric hairpin consists of an alternating sequence of rightand left-handed canes.

  • This preferred handedness is remarkable because the difference in binding energy between righthanded and left-handed (levorotatory) sugars is extremely tiny (relative energy difference : 10x17).

Znaczenie left-handed

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