
Są to słowa examples powiązane z intrusion. Kliknij dowolne słowo, aby przejść do strony szczegółów tego słowa. Lub, przejdź do definicji intrusion.

Przykłady intrusion

  • To the onlooker, nothing remotely related to a work of art or performance is there - no evident intrusion, no tangible presence, no action either.

  • On the contrary, they have served their purpose well, particularly in identifying and classifying the characteristics of computer attacks and intrusions.

  • This intrusion on the profit-making process was attacked from an ideological point of view by those siding with the creditors.

  • At the same time, granitic melt of the main intrusion could have begun to form at lower structural levels.

  • The intrusion of archaic forms of narcissism, it is believed, is the source of anxiety disorders in the modern world.

  • Maturation of the organic matter in the vicinity of the intrusion can lead to the generation of liquid hydrocarbons.

  • On the basis of our combined data, a more appealing model for the mafic-ultramafic complexes is the emplacement of solitary intrusions.

  • Unlike intrusion, however, this epithetic r is not a sandhi phenomenon.

  • We are exploring the use of fuzzy data mining and concepts introduced by the semantic web to operate in synergy to perform distributed intrusion detection.

  • The model indicates that thermal maxima in the upper and lower crust are differently delayed with respect to the intrusion age.

  • Pooling across the three samples, 15% of the characters in kindergartners' spellings could be explained only as intrusions of letters from the children's own names.

  • Modern zircon-based age determinations are largely lacking for the members of the trans-suture suite of intrusions.

  • They showed that the intrusion initially propagates along the middle layer as a bulbous head, leaving a train of interfacial waves in its wake.

  • By using the conditions (5.3) it is possible to show analytically that long waves are always stable for any intrusion with a nonnegative energy loss.

  • Often, languages that have vowel intrusion in some consonant clusters have effects described as aspiration or consonant syllabification in other consonant clusters.

Znaczenie intrusion

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