
Są to słowa examples powiązane z hemisphere. Kliknij dowolne słowo, aby przejść do strony szczegółów tego słowa. Lub, przejdź do definicji hemisphere.

Przykłady hemisphere

  • The complexities and ambivalence of the two ' ' hemispheres' ' are associated with defining diaspora identities among different cultural passages.

  • In " # the 0 and 0 hemispheres of velocity space, particle scattering is assumed to be isotropic and to occur at the rate -".

  • Involvement of the cerebellar hemispheres leads to dysrhythmia, dysmetria and intention tremor of the extremities.

  • The constancy of this oscillation on three continents and both hemispheres suggests the presence of a global environmental effect.

  • The novelty of his experiment was that the inner sphere consisted of two hemispheres which could be rotated independently.

  • Also, the corpus callosum, which connects the two hemispheres, is much larger in women.

  • Today it is widely accepted (although not yet universally acknowledged) that the two hemispheres of the brain are responsible for different areas of our thinking.

  • We acknowledge that mesozoic mammals are characterized by cerebral hemispheres diverging posteriorly.

  • Bihemispheric language : how the two hemispheres collaborate in the processing of language.

  • Relatively strong scattering, 0.1, between the hemispheres corresponds to a wave model with resonant scattering or the upper limit of the dynamical turbulence model.

  • The equator of the hemispheres is eye level for the animal.

  • The brain at 24-week gestation has no sulci or gyri except for the clefts separating the major hemispheres and lobes.

  • There thus appears to be some central resource that is used in disparate tasks, and by both hemispheres.

  • Her explanations of topics such as the right and left hemispheres of the brain and short-term and long-term memory are brief but clear and informative.

  • They argue that if both hemispheres can be accessed during a task, the brain's ability to deal with the problem will be enhanced.

Znaczenie hemisphere

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