
Są to słowa examples powiązane z disclaimer. Kliknij dowolne słowo, aby przejść do strony szczegółów tego słowa. Lub, przejdź do definicji disclaimer.

Przykłady disclaimer

  • The usual disclaimers regarding the faults in the paper apply here too.

  • High blending rates (80-100%) of compost have been noted for some potting mixes, but explicit disclaimers or cautions, regarding testing before use, are included6,16,25,31.

  • The usual disclaimers, of course, apply.

  • I think that this consideration will weigh very heavily on those who will be able to make disclaimers.

  • In this connection, can we also be informed what the present practice is with regard to disclaimers?

  • During the consultation exercise we discussed disclaimers and there were varying views on them.

  • Despite their disclaimers, their speeches tend to invite hatred and to foment fear and so lead logically and inescapably to violent action on both sides.

  • In spite of our disclaimers, we were included in the scheme.

  • The disclaimers in some have to be read to be believed.

  • The court has an involvement in certain disclaimers, largely to protect the rights of third parties.

  • Then there is the date of delivery; and disclaimers about the responsibility of agents.

  • I suspect that those disclaimers of all cautionary provisos would not have very much effect.

  • Letters giving advice are packed full of caveats and disclaimers.

  • I wish to make the usual disclaimers about the precision of the amendment's wording.

  • Traders have attempted to get around the existing law by placing disclaimers on the goods and by acknowledging that they are copies.

Znaczenie disclaimer

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May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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