
Są to słowa examples powiązane z denial. Kliknij dowolne słowo, aby przejść do strony szczegółów tego słowa. Lub, przejdź do definicji denial.

Przykłady denial

  • The platform could also be inundated by denial of service attacks.

  • Idealizing the positive defensive and protective aspects of warriorhood may also involve a denial of the destructive, senseless realities of modern warfare.

  • He adopts an interactional footing in which he is merely relaying denials previously expressed by himself and others.

  • These elements combine to create a profile that is an outright denial of the semiotics of the meyhanes and the luxury seafood restaurants.

  • It can be suggested that denial of access to adequate physical mobility is a contributory factor within each of these dimensions of exclusion.

  • Indeed, it is exactly the sort of denial that prompted the formulation of the neutrality thesis in the first place.

  • There is often a culture of denial within some cultures toward mental illness.

  • So a global denial of their veridicality would amount to an ontological claim that is, if not synonymous with atheism, at least antagonistic to theism.

  • Their feeling of security was a self-deception, they were effacing an aspect of reality, a phenomenon which, in clinical psychiatry, is labelled denial.

  • While relying on established method, simultaneously there is fluidity in treatment, for example denial is accepted if it helps achieve the goals.

  • What most obviously differentiates the two lexemes is the sense of denial of some prior point of view that each gives rise to.

  • It is a denial of life camouflaged as an acceptance of life.

  • Figurative thinking can hardly be subsumed under the generic category of denial.

  • In such a system, the judge's discretionary powers are limitless, and their arbitrariness would entail a denial of basic human rights.

  • The reconstruction of old age as a time of agelessness is the epitome of such denial.

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