
Są to słowa examples powiązane z animate. Kliknij dowolne słowo, aby przejść do strony szczegółów tego słowa. Lub, przejdź do definicji animate.

Przykłady animate

  • The boat halted at various mini-sets where animated figures played out episodes of the story. 25.

  • The social institutions which animated female hierarchies proved incompatible with the ' moral obligations ' of imperial rule.

  • Conversely, its existence as an ordered whole is an effect of monarchy which supplies the requisite stability, unity, and animating force.

  • What animated banditry was the quest for honour and respect.

  • On bright days the sun f loods into the room and the ceiling is animated by ref lections off the water.

  • Moving the refuse was an idea which animated the authorities, although certain spatial and financial limits put their ideas to rest.

  • The processor may be animated adding 2 and 2 together, leaving ladd2 2\ in the destination register.

  • In those days, he wrote scorching little plays animated by malice and spite in which comedy and cruelty would regularly copulate.

  • The books are animated by haunting images and uncanny textual conjunctions, as if established scholarly styles are finally inadequate to the fullness of their purposes.

  • Using physically-based models and genetic algorithms for functional composition of sound signals, synchronized to animated motion.

  • Musical sounds, animated images with cordis-anima and its multimodal interfaces.

  • We intend to show, throughout this thesis, the development (and application) of a logic-based programming language for describing and animating an agent's dynamic behaviour.

  • The animating motivation behind constructivism is that mathematics is a creation of the mind and nothing more.

  • In other words, is it only a question of the cinci hoca's authority and persuasiveness animating media attacks?

  • Virtual reality is also an exciting field where structure and behaviour of real or imaginary worlds are modelled and animated.

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