truly Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 really or completely -- virkelig

    • It was a truly terrible thing to say. Det var en helt forferdelig ting å si.

    • I truly believe you can win. Jeg tror virkelig at du kan vinne.

  • 1 really -- sannelig, oppriktig, egentlig

  • 2 in a true manner -- virkelig, trofast

    • He loved her truly.


Examples of truly

  • Similarly, one cannot provide a numerical value for the benefits of having an organization where employees truly understand the organization's strategy, vision and goals.

  • Finally, there is a truly profound set of impediments in the systematically asymmetric preferences of the parties to agreement in severely divided societies.

  • Evidence can never be compelling in the relevant sense, and unbearable suffering cannot elicit a response that is truly morally free.

  • As the transportation and communications networks developed, the possibility of a truly national market emerged, which placed an added pressure on the state legislatures.

  • The modern age of alienation had truly begun.

  • Her mind was truly a country of its own.

  • Internally caudillo warfare had set back any hopes of a truly national identity.

  • One possibility is that these words were truly ignored-learners paid no attention to them whatsoever.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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