transcend Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 to go beyond a limit -- overvinne

    • a campaign that transcends racial divisions en kampanje som overvinner raseskiller


Examples of transcend

  • This coalescence transcended national boundaries and set itself against the social costs of colonial rule.

  • Testing and endeavouring to transcend these comfortable polarities is essential if we are to reach a nuanced understanding.

  • The attempt to transcend particularism by replacing the idea of national identity with the concept of liberal citizenship does not, therefore, succeed.

  • It is the fuel of the other, ' higher' existence the narrator longs for, a life that transcends historical time and space by ignoring it.

  • Does the standard by which one judges what is good or better lie within one culture, or does it transcend all cultures?

  • But does beauty reside in the complex shadowing of poetry, or is it in the music's celebration of order transcended?

  • An ambition that does not transcend explanation embodies (perhaps unintentionally) a conservative disposition.

  • The contributors included in this volume provide evidence, they suggest, that ' later life is a configuration of experiences that transcends stereotypes ' (p. 7).




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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