testament Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 a written statement especially of what one wants to be done with one’s personal property after one dies -- testamente, siste vilje

    • This is his last will and testament.


Examples of testament

  • Although hospitals drew an increasing amount of support and publicity in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, this trend is not always corroborated by some recent studies of charitable testaments.

  • In all these testaments, it is hard to escape the conclusion that they were conceived, at least in part, as public statements for a wider audience.

  • Thirty years ago, a group of six books on ruling monarchies would have been considered the last testaments of an endangered anachronism.

  • The exegesis of the content of the testaments reveals surely as much as can be known about the individual testators and their lives.

  • During the later 1990s, the practice of making legal agreements (testaments) by family firms increased.

  • How are gifts and testaments to be handled?

  • A triad of structures located in the heart of the town still stand as testaments to its past importance.

  • Every contribution adds materially to a deeper understanding of indigenous testaments.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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