surge Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 a sudden increase in sth -- voldsom økning [ masculine ]

    • a surge of protests en voldsom økning i protestene

    • a surge of adrenaline in the body en voldsom økning av adrenalin i kroppen

  • 1 a sudden strong movement in a particular direction -- voldsom bevegelse [ masculine ]

    • a surge of water en voldsom bølge

  • 2 -- strømme

    • Anger surged and burned within me. Sinnet bruste og sved inne i meg.

    • Troops surged into the city. Tropper strømmet inn i byen.

  • 3 (of eg water or waves) to move forward with great force -- bruse, strømme, svulme

    • The waves surged over the rocks.

  • 4 a surging movement, or a sudden rush -- brott-/styrtsjø; brusende smerte; strøm


Examples of surge

  • The 1890s were a period of devastating drought and epidemic, triggering a surge of raiding to reconstitute the herds.

  • The impact of this dramatic surge of labor power also had a profound effect on the political process.

  • The current account surplus accompanied by the surge in capital inflows in the mid-1990s put too much strain on that strategy.

  • The historical pattern was one of speculative surges of foreign investment in these countries, very quickly followed by default.

  • With the surge of population and economic activity during the past two generations or so, the environment has come under unprecedented stress.

  • Individual frequencies that are mixed together in order to create sonic masses follow reciprocal types of motion, including undulations, surges, swirls, drifts and dips.

  • In the 1990s there was a major surge in interest in extending collaborative government-industry relationships.

  • A single peak appeared between weeks 27 and 30 in the year 2000 that mirrored a surge in probable cases.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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