steam Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 vapor produced by boiling water -- damp [ masculine ]

    • a steam engine en dampmaskin

    • steam rising from the pots damp som kommer opp fra grytene

  • 1 to express how you feel or use your energy -- slippe ut damp

    • The kids ran around in the park for a while to let off steam. Ungene løp rundt i parken en stund for å slippe ut damp.

  • 2 to cook food by placing it in steam -- dampe

    • I prefer to steam the vegetables. Jeg foretrekker å dampe grønnsaker.

  • 3 a gas or vapour/vapor that rises from hot or boiling water or other liquid -- vanndamp

  • 4 power or energy obtained from this -- damp(kraft)

    • (also adjective) steam power, steam engines.

    • Diesel fuel replaced steam on the railways

    • The machinery is driven by steam

  • 5 to give out steam -- dampe


Examples of steam

  • Meanwhile, the ship steams on, gaining speed and maintaining direction.

  • Now it is time to unyoke the steaming necks of the horses.

  • The relief valve is steaming and ready to blow unless it is held down somehow.

  • We simply steamed from one port to another, where it was ripped out and thrown away.

  • At present, they are steaming through smooth waters—the by-elections show that—on an even keel, but, on this topic, the wind of public opinion blows dull.

  • We live in a tense, exciting world, a world full of dangers and opportunities, a world which is bubbling and steaming with change.

  • One can always get people who are steamed up and excited about an issue believing fervently in a reform.

  • What worries me most and gets me most "steamed up" is the life imprisonment of animals or birds in cages.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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