spiral Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 sth that curves many times around a central point -- spiral [ masculine ]

    • a spiral staircase en vindeltrapp

    • spirals of curly hair spiralformede lokker i krøllete hår

  • 1 a situation that becomes rapidly worse -- spiral [ masculine ]

    • the spiral of rising prices spiralen av økende boligpriser

    • the downward spiral into depression en nedadgående spiral mot depresjon

  • 2 to turn around and around like a spiral -- bevege seg i spiral

    • leaves spiraling down through the air blader som beveger seg i spiral gjennom luften

  • 3 to become rapidly worse -- eskalere

  • 4 coiled round like a spring, with each coil the same size as the one below -- spiral-, vindel-

  • 5 winding round and round, usually tapering to a point -- spiral-/skrueformet


Examples of spiral

  • A violent strategy would have led inevitably to spiralling escalation, with the state having the strategic edge at every turn in the foreseeable future.

  • However, spiralling wage demands, growing unrest and strikes continued.

  • Reduced invasion will leave the spiral arteries vasoreactive, and thus more likely to undergo spontaneous transient vasoconstriction.

  • In preeclampsia, an inadequate placental trophoblast invasion of the maternal uterine spiral arteries results in poor placental perfusion, leading to placental ischaemia.

  • Failed physiological change of the spiral arteries will result in persistence of the muscular layer.

  • In its shell guise, the spiral usually has small protuberances around the perimeter.

  • The interests of management, faced with spiraling cost of labour, and unions, operating in a labour surplus economy, converged towards a masculinisation of organized labour.

  • By 1988 the monetary indicators were spiralling out of control.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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