sneaky Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 trying to trick sb -- snikete

    • a sneaky way to get money from her en snikete måte å få penger fra henne

  • 1 -- sladderaktig, stygt gjort


Examples of sneaky

  • Razorclaw was trained by renegade ninjas in vicious and sneaky tactics that have been outlawed by various ninja clans for hundreds of years.

  • The desire to be sneaky and deceptive can grow until it blinds the capoeirista to his/her opponent's trickiness.

  • They are a fun people and have many sneaky ways.

  • Like a sneaky octopus, it wraps you up, and when squeezing the laughter out of you, out flies a picture of your life.

  • Gummo was given his nickname because he had a tendency to be sneaky backstage, and creep up on others without them knowing (like a gumshoe).

  • With his superb acting skills, he can also blend in with the enemy to use sneaky maneuvers and attacks.

  • His sneaky and unprofessional methods cause the team to question his true intentions.

  • She uses her wits to get what she wants by coming up with various sneaky plans.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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