sensitive Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 easily upset or worried -- sensitiv

    • The actress is very sensitive about her big feet. Skuespillerinnen er veldig følsom når det gjelder de store føttene hennes.

    • She’s a highly sensitive child. Hun er et overfølsomt barn.

  • 1 aware of and understanding people and situations -- følsom

    • the sensitive treatment of grieving families den fintfølende behandlingen av de sørgende familiene

    • a doctor who is not sensitive to her needs en lege som er ufølsom for behovene hennes

  • 2 easily affected -- følsom

    • Children may be especially sensitive to health risks from pesticides . Barn kan være spesielt utsatt for helsefarer fra sprøytemidler.

  • 3 reacting very easily or very precisely -- følsom

    • an ultra-sensitive instrument for measuring vibration et særdeles følsomt instrument for måling av vibrasjon

  • 4 delicate and needing careful treatment -- ømfintlig

    • sensitive skin/teeth ømfintlig hud/ømfintlige tenner

  • 5 needing to be dealt with carefully in order to avoid problems -- ømtålig

    • a sensitive issue en ømtålig sak

    • a sensitive phase of the negotiations en ømtålig fase i forhandlingene


Examples of sensitive

  • In the developing countries infant mortality still remains a sensitive indicator of socioeconomic standards.

  • This will allow, in turn, examination of the issue of whether the size results obtained are sensitive to spectral shape adopted under the null hypothesis.

  • Finally, the relatively impersonal nature of the interview process may discourage some older people from disclosing information about sensitive traumatic events.

  • There is, in fact, research evidence that error detection, developmental sequences, and negotiation of meaning may all be sensitive to social context.

  • However, our results show that serology, using a carefully defined cut-off, can be a highly sensitive technique for most of the course of infection.

  • Another difference was that the context sensitive vowels and consonant items differed with respect to the constraining context.

  • Similarly, little work has been directed toward efforts to understand and apply culturally sensitive modes of intervention.

  • It seems therefore that the epidemiology of rubella is more sensitive to differences in mixing patterns than mumps and measles.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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