review Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 an evaluation of a how sth is working -- evaluering [ masculine ]

    • a payment system that is under review et betalingssystem som er under evaluering

    • They’re doing a review of company strategy. De er i ferd med å gjøre en evaluering av selskapsstrategien.

  • 1 a meeting between an employee and their manager to talk about how the employee is performing -- medarbeidersamtale [ masculine ]

    • my annual review den årlige medarbeidersamtalen min

  • 2 an article giving an opinion about a play, movie, etc. -- anmeldelse [ masculine ]

    • She wrote a review of the play in today’s paper. Hun skrev en anmeldelse av skuespillet i dagens avis.

  • 3 to consider sth again to decide if changes are necessary -- revurdere

    • to review a decision å revurdere en beslutning

    • We’re reviewing our policy on recycling. Vi revurderer resirkuleringspolitikken vår.

  • 4 to state your opinion of a play, movie etc. in writing -- anmelde

    • He reviewed the show in last month’s New Yorker. Han omtale forestillingen i sist måneds New Yorker.

  • 5 to study for an exam -- repetere

    • Tonight I’ll just review my notes. I kveld skal jeg bare repetere notatene mine.


Examples of review

  • Most of the research reviewed in the preceding nine categories tends to favor the 2-gen over the 1-gen model.

  • The authors review evidence indicating that dynamic structural interactions between astrocytes and synapses affect hippocampal synaptic physiology, behavior, and disease.

  • All types of studies and participants were included in the literature review.

  • This is a straightforward book to review, but a rather more difficult one to recommend to readers.

  • This review of assessment research might be organized around assessment or curriculum themes.

  • Nonshared environment : a theoretical, methodological, and quantitative review.

  • Truncated literature search strategies may often lead to uncertainty surrounding the conclusions of a review.

  • We will review herein some of the evidence and the caveats surrounding the neurodevelopmental hypothesis.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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