retreat Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 to move back or away from an attack -- trekke seg tilbake

    • soldiers retreating from the battlefield soldater som gjør retrett fra slagmarken

  • 1 to get out of an unpleasant situation -- trekke seg tilbake

    • He retreated into his room and stayed there. Han trakk seg tilbake til rommet sitt og ble der.

  • 2 an act of moving back or away from an attack -- retrett [ masculine ]

    • The captain ordered a retreat to a defensive line. Kapteinen beordret retrett til en forsvarslinje.

  • 3 a place where it is quieter and more private -- tilfluktssted [ masculine ]

    • a country retreat et tilfluktssted på landet

  • 4 to move back or away from a battle (usually because the enemy is winning) -- trekke seg tilbake, gjøre retrett

  • 5 to withdraw; to take oneself away -- trekke seg tilbake


Examples of retreat

  • Middle-class residents were anxious to demarcate themselves from the working class, and sought to do so by retreating into private suburban domesticity.

  • The literature also indicates that the glaciers generally retreated during the first half of the nineteenth century.

  • As silence retreats, the sonic entity in our external world enters in and becomes part of the constant exchange inside us.

  • Study courses and retreats were methods used to spread the word among a core of activists.

  • They believe that such terms can only stand for internal mechanisms; a behaviorist who uses them must therefore be retreating from behaviorism.

  • Whenever it seems that a summatory point is going to be made, the author persistently retreats into jargon, loading his sentences with unnecessarily complex terminology.

  • To her, the increasingly guilty pleasure she took in retreating into her own imaginary world and characters was a form of false worship.

  • After this loss of honour (for such was the decree's real significance), conservative nobles retreated into passivity or departed altogether.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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