refrigerate Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 to put sth in a refrigerator to keep it cold -- kjøle

    • It says on the package, “refrigerate after opening.” På pakken står det “holdes kjølig etter åpning”.

  • 1 to keep (food) cold to prevent it from going bad -- av-/nedkjøle

    • Meat should be refrigerated.


Examples of refrigerate

  • It provided three storeys for research offices, electronics laboratory, extensive library, archives, map room, museum, lecture theatre, and, in the basement, mechanical workshop, storage, photographic processing, and refrigerated laboratories.

  • When susceptible fish are not promptly and continuously refrigerated, bacteria can metabolize histidine and degrade the protein of fish flesh to produce scombrotoxin, which consists of histamine and other amines.

  • Protonymph stopped feeding altogether on skins that had been refrigerated for 3 or more days, and deutonymph stopped feeding on 6-day-old refrigerated skins.

  • As the casings are removed, the bare frankfurters are collected on conveyor belts in a humid, refrigerated 'hopper' room before packaging.

  • Ammonium and nitrate samples were refrigerated prior to analysis, and ammonium samples were also preserved by acidification.

  • In tracing the wetting of the shamrock (whether refrigerated, flown in or sham), it does more than whet the appetite.

  • Eyes were enucleated and refrigerated within 5.5 hours of death.

  • The present study shows that refrigerated cells have no negative effects on in vitro development of reconstructed embryos.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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