ounce Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 a unit for measuring weight equal to 28.35 grams -- unse [ masculine ]

    • a baby bird weighing only a few ounces en fugleunge som var veier noen unser

  • 1 (usually abbreviated to ozwhen written) a unit of weight, 28.35 grammes. -- unse


Examples of ounce

  • Those figures seem almost impossible to believe, but the decrease in ounces of tobacco sold during the last six months bear them out.

  • Someone was speaking to the old man about paying his extra penny on two ounces of tobacco.

  • But some bottles contain only 26¼ fluid ounces and others only 26 fluid ounces.

  • That is an ounce of experience against a good deal of theory.

  • Every ounce of it has to be imported, and it is an essential import.

  • From 23 ounces of silk yarn, you only get 16 ounces of silk.

  • They will probably have to pay as much per ounce for the strawberries as the grower of them gets per pound.

  • These 1,191 dense pages contain around 700,000 words, and the volume weighs in at 1.785 kilograms on my butcher's scale (3 pounds 15 ounces old style).




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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