organic Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 (of farm animals, crops, etc.) produced or raised without using chemicals -- økologisk

    • organic fruit and vegetables frukt og grønnsaker som er økologisk dyrket

  • 1 coming from living things -- organisk

    • organic matter organisk materiale

  • 2 happening in a natural way -- naturlig

    • The development of the program has been organic. Utviklingen av programmet har skjedd naturlig.

  • 3 of or concerning the organs of the body -- organisk

    • organic diseases.

  • 4 of, found in, or produced by, living things -- organisk

  • 5 (of food) grown without the use of artificial fertilizers -- biologisk (dyrking)

    • organic vegetables.


Examples of organic

  • Culture water can also be piped through high intensity ultraviolet light sources for disinfection, and to photodegrade dissolved organics.

  • Culture water can also be piped through high intensity ultraviolet light sources for disinfection, and to photo-degrade dissolved organics.

  • If anaerobic conditions are required, as is often the case with chlorinated organics, nitrate may be added as a terminal electron acceptor.

  • During the experiments we will estimate the depth to which it is necessary to drill, in order to find intact organics.

  • One might suppose that if the organics in tropical ecosystems were in the mast, this condition would be mitigated.

  • Infrared spectroscopy in the 2.5-16 micron range provides an excellent means of detecting and identifying organics in space via their vibrational transitions.

  • Their ions can in turn catalyze the accumulation of complex organics in prebiotic synthesis.

  • Minerals have been implicated in the sorption and aiding of reactions leading toward organics similar to those present in life.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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