nil Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 non-existent, none -- null [ masculine ]

    • He decided the chances of them being caught were nil. Han innså at sjansen for at de ville bli tatt, var null.

  • 1 indicates zero, in sports scores -- null [ masculine ]

    • The score was one nil. Stillingen var én null.

  • 2 (in scoring) nothing; zero -- null

    • Leeds United won two-nil / by two goals to nil.


Examples of nil

  • The economic liberty, if fiercely protected by the state, may create conditions where the freedom and autonomy left to some is close to nil.

  • In the perfect markets case, these effects should be nil.

  • This is true even when the outcome was meager or virtually nil, as indeed was the result in most cases.

  • Upon backtracking, the remembered set entries could then be reset to nil.

  • Note that the pattern nil in the source language is translated to the pattern for closing tags.

  • Without and in the type language, a choice must be made between list(0) and tree(0) as the type for nil.

  • For this study, the morbidity and mortality rates of colonoscopy were considered as nil.

  • Similarly, the most precise type for nil that can be inferred from the type rule tree() nil is tree(0).




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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