namely Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 indicates sth specific after speaking more generally -- nemlig

    • the school district’s biggest problem, namely the lack of good teachers skolekretsens største problem, altså mangelen på gode lærere

  • 1 that is -- nemlig, det vil si


Examples of namely

  • In one particular case, namely words belonging to the closed part of speech classes, exhaustive word lists can be constructed.

  • The eigenvalues and eigenvector s are those of one dimensional compressible fluid dynamics, namely the forward and backward sound waves and contact discontinuity solutions.

  • Namely, economists participating in guidelines development may get the hurdle high, thereby generating more requests for analytic assistance from industry!

  • A purely elastic instability apparently also occurs by a similar mechanism in other rotational shearing flows, namely concentric plate-and-plate flow and concentric cone-and-plate flow.

  • However, in an earlier stage to collaborative approaches, the user modeling community provided a different answer, namely the stereotype approach.

  • Honouring our commitment to 'off-the-shelf ' proof theory, we now present the result, namely cut elimination, that provides the basis for the rest of the article.

  • Again the 'first-moved' is the minimal part, namely the most elementary mover-moved unit.

  • Let us implement a naive choice point, namely one that defines a set of alternative statements to be chosen.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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