master Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 a man who leads or controls other people or animals -- herre [ masculine ]

    • When called the dog runs to his master. Når man roper på den, løper hunden til sin herre.

  • 1 an expert or sb who is very skilled at sth -- mester [ masculine ]

    • He’s a master of persuasion. Han er en mester i overtalelse.

    • a master builder en byggmester

  • 2 an original of a document, photo, etc. used to make copies from -- original [ masculine ]

    • the master copy originaldokument

  • 3 to become skilled at -- mestre

    • She finally mastered walking at the age of about 15 months. Hun klarte endelig å gå da hun var omtrent 15 måneder gammel.

  • 4 to get control of, or overcome -- beherske

  • 5 a person or thing that commands or controls -- herre; frue


Examples of master

  • He had tentatively agreed to become master of the rolls, and felt that the failure of that appointment reflected badly upon him.

  • And just who had assisted the master-architect in his endeavours?

  • The master equation is derived and applied to atomic excitation by radiation with both broad and narrow spectral widths.

  • Chapters 7, 8, and 9 form the core chapters that a graduate student would be interested in, having mastered the earlier chapters.

  • Personal appearance is the first area that must be mastered in order to establish the new hierarchy elevating work over sloth.

  • The pad may be musically interpreted as an elementary tool that allows a 'master gesture' to conduct the music.

  • Therefore, however complicated this simplicity might be for the human mind, mathematics is the master tool with which to seize the truth of the world.

  • Also, the other kinds of grammatical knowledge are more likely to be mastered in the beginning stages of learning a new word.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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