intend Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 to have a purpose or goal in your mind -- ha til hensikt

    • I’m sure she never intended any harm. Jeg er sikker på at hun aldri hadde til hensikt å gjøre skade.

    • I intended to call him, but I forgot. Jeg tenkte jeg skulle ringe ham, men jeg glemte det.

  • 1 to have a particular meaning in your mind when you say sth -- mene

    • I intended it as a joke, but nobody laughed. Det var ment som en spøk, men ingen lo.

  • 2 made or planned for -- beregnet på

    • a movie intended for adults only en film som kun er beregnet på voksne

  • 3 to mean or plan (to do something or that someone else should do something) -- ha i sinne, ha til hensikt

    • Do you intend that they should go too?

    • Do you intend them to go?

    • Do you still intend to go?

  • 4 to mean (something) to be understood in a particular way -- skulle oppfattes som

  • 5 (with for) to direct at -- ha adresse til, være bestemt for

    • That letter/bullet was intended for me.


Examples of intend

  • Every (logic) programmer should have, at least in her mind, intended meaning for all the used predicates.

  • There are useful tutorial-like worked examples in several places and these will surely be invaluable to the intended audience.

  • I intend to continue this work and further explore more practical ways of working with dancers of this type.

  • This view is supported by studies that are intended to show that satisfactory understanding on the part of patients cannot be achieved.

  • It was intended that the diary utterances would be marked for selfrepetition.

  • Although not intended by these authors, their views suggest that theories which are typically considered opposing and incompatible complement each other.

  • Simultaneously with the testing of pharmacokinetic properties, pharmacodynamic characteristics are also typically investigated in models of the disease the agent is intended to treat.

  • However, these saccades are subject to both systematic and random error, so that, on average, saccades will deviate from their intended targets.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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