illusion Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 a false or mistaken idea -- illusjon [ masculine ]

    • He’s under the illusion that I like him. Han svever i den villfarelse at jeg liker ham.

  • 1 sth that seems to be a particular thing when it is not -- illusjon [ masculine ]

    • Paint one wall darker to create the illusion of more space. Mal en vegg mørkere for å skape en illusjon om større rom.

  • 2 (something that produces) a false impression, idea or belief -- illusjon, (syns)bedrag, innbilning


Examples of illusion

  • Most size illusions were therefore caused by perceptual mistakes about distance.

  • They show that when the illusion's perceptual effects are studied with single-circle presentations there are no differences between the two types of responses.

  • All perceived distal relationships, and most illusions, seemed quantitatively predictable, within this unified enterprise, making it an admirable first start at a theory of perception.

  • Many studies have compared information processing in the dorsal and ventral pathways by comparing the influence of illusions in perceptual and motor tasks.

  • When the proper physics are employed, errors, illusions, and variability should decrease.

  • In fact, one may argue that these illusions are not illusions at all, because the visual system as such provides the correct percept.

  • Parenthetically, if our theoretical position is correct, then losing crucial perceptual processing hardware should thereby also destroy the effects of pictorial illusions on action planning.

  • Many findings are consistent with the idea that visual illusions influence perception more than action.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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