groan Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 to make a long low sound -- stønne

    • The wind groaned in the trees. Vinden suste i trærne.

    • We all groaned at the thought of the work to be done. Vi stønnet alle sammen ved tanken på arbeidet som måtte gjøres.

  • 1 -- stønn [ neuter ]

    • The dying man gave a groan. Den døende mannen gav fra seg et stønn.

  • 2 to produce a deep sound (because of pain, unhappiness etc) -- stønne, bære seg

  • 3 a deep sound -- stønn(ing)


Examples of groan

  • The judiciary are now required to preside over a system of criminal and civil justice increasingly groaning under the strain of under-resourcing and understaffing.

  • More than that, millions now groaning under the iron yoke of tyranny will be given new hope of life.

  • I am extremely glad that recruiting is good and that we have not heard moans and groans about recruiting.

  • They have said, first, that industry has been groaning under a burden of taxation.

  • There has been moaning and groaning, but people have carried on.

  • I am sorry to hear some groans behind me.

  • They, together with the teachers, civil servants and gas workers, who have all been groaning under the burden, are sent empty away.

  • The whole country is groaning under a burden of taxation so heavy that it is materially diminishing our chance of recovery.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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