green Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 being the color of grass -- grønn

    • a green dress/shirt/sweater en grønn kjole/skjorte/genser

  • 1 having a lot of trees and plants -- grønn

    • one of the greenest areas of the city et av de grønneste strøkene i byen

  • 2 relating to protection of the environment -- grønn

    • green products miljøvennlige produkter

    • green issues miljøsaker

  • 3 the color of grass -- grønt [ neuter ]

    • a dark/light green en mørk/lys grønnfarge

  • 4 vegetables with green leaves -- grønnsaker [ masculine ]

  • 5 the area covered in short grass next to a hole on a golf course -- green [ masculine ]

    • the ninth green den niende greenen


Examples of green

  • But having said that, debbie tucker green's plays are real left-side-of-the-brain pieces of writing.

  • A popular explanation holds that large green jurisdictions have been forcing their trading partners to trade or ratchet up their regulation.

  • In other words, as the rate of import increases, the proportion of the obsidian assemblage that is green decreases.

  • Though more costly, the more sustainable option is the use of green manures.

  • For each directed green segment, there is an eaten square on its left side, and there is a blue (uneaten) square on its right side.

  • Recent use of green oak springs from the realisation that fairly young trees offer a potential resource which can be converted to provide reasonable sections.

  • Therefore, white-vented mynas probably preferred the green patches among residential buildings, as this may have allowed them to more efficiently exploit ephemeral anthropogenic food sources.

  • Cells of opposite polarity to the central reference cell are shown in red and those of the same polarity in green.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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