geography Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 the study of countries and their physical features -- geografi [ masculine ]

    • to study geography å studere geografi

  • 1 an area’s physical features -- terreng [ neuter ]

  • 2 the science that describes the surface of the Earth and its inhabitants -- geografi

    • He is studying geography.


Examples of geography

  • Many of the master's students, particularly in their dissertations, produced regional geographies that were both physical and human (even economic).

  • Children's geographies is sometimes coupled with, and yet distinguished from the geographies of childhood.

  • Many of them immediately went to the ship's library and eagerly scrutinized charts, geographies, histories, and encyclopedias for information.

  • In all, nine low income schools were studied, their locations spanning urban, semi-urban, and rural geographies.

  • Foo has twenty over years of experience with leading international firms, held senior leadership roles across businesses and geographies.

  • Rett syndrome occurs in approximately 1:10,000 live female births in all geographies, and across all races and ethnicities.

  • From theoretical explorations of wildlife classification to case studies of human-wildlife conflict, wildlife tourism, to particular human-wild animal geographies, this has proven a dynamic avenue.

  • Constituting a new nation and defining its culture meant, among other things, mapping its figurative geography, delineating the nation's boundaries.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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