feminine Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 with qualities considered typical of women -- feminin

    • The outfit looks very feminine. Antrekket ser veldig feminint ut.

    • a soft, feminine voice en myk kvinnestemme

  • 1 in grammar, relating to the form of the word associated with females -- hunkjønns-

    • “Waitress” is the feminine form of waiter. “Servitrise” er hunkjønnsformen av servitør.

  • 2 of a woman -- kvinnelig, feminin

  • 3 with all the essential qualities of a woman -- kvinnelig, feminin

    • She was a very feminine person.

  • 4 in certain languages, of one of usually two or three genders of nouns etc. -- hunkjønns-


Examples of feminine

  • Scenes like these consolidated a conventional association between laments and the feminine voice.

  • The marginalised subject-position of the woman, however, reveals the pivotal role of the feminine in the narcissistic constructions of male desire and the male self.

  • Given statistical evidence that has shown a very strong dispreference for basilectal variants in the feminine subcategories, this order seems highly unlikely.

  • Such lines are termed feminine; otherwise a line is masculine.

  • In the poems from this third group, feminine historical memory domesticates the inevitable disruptive effects of time, violence, and death.

  • A noun is "masculine," "feminine," or "neuter" because it belongs to a set of nouns that use a particular set of agreement markers.

  • The web of these associations constitutes an artistic reflection on the sensibility and experience of the feminine in a patriarchal society.

  • These feminine features were comprehensively altered100 to masculine forms in a late-eleventh- or early-twelfth-century hand (or hands).




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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