en route Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 on the way to a place -- på vei

    • We stopped twice en route from Chicago to L.A. Vi stoppet to ganger på vei fra Chicago til Los Angeles.

  • 1 on the way -- på vei, underveis


Examples of en route

  • They were ill-prepared for the journey and experienced considerable problems in securing food at various farms and villages at which they stopped en route.

  • A number of recruits deserted en route, but the rest boarded a ship for a testing journey across an ocean they had never seen before.

  • This can be measured in units of time, number of events, or number of unique cells visited en route.

  • There are no war graves for the thousands of refugees who died en route to a 'place of safety'.

  • The stochastic element of the scheme permits infeasible designs to be created en route to an improved final design.

  • The authors allude to the social tensions created in border communities by the sudden ' ' invasion ' ' of migrants en route to other parts of the country.

  • In some cases the traditional poetic-convenience view may even be plausible, but crucially for an element which was already en route to its modern status!

  • Now, with millions en route and facilities sorely strained, the spectre of infectious disease reared its head once again.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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