emigrate Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 to leave your own country to live in another -- emigrere

    • They’re thinking of emigrating to Australia. De vurderer å emigrere til Australia.

  • 1 to leave one’s country and settle in another -- utvandre, emigrere

    • Many doctors have emigrated from Britain to America.


Examples of emigrate

  • The majority of the liberal intelligentsia-those who emigrated as well as those who stayed behind-were liberal in the other sense as well.

  • Despite the harsh reality they face, the refugees' clear preference is either to stay in the camps or emigrate abroad.

  • By age 26, 5-3% of the original sample were dead and 11-8% had emigrated.

  • The crumbling economies of the interior forced several million people to emigrate to pampean cities.

  • The majority of the respondents emigrated as a couple.

  • Women who emigrate, withdraw co-operation, or cannot be traced are removed from the study from the time they were last contacted.

  • The option to emigrate was open and practical for everyone.

  • In 1939 the colonisation budget was increased for three years; 30,000 people emigrated in that year.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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