embed Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 to fix deeply (in something) -- sette/legge (noe) fast i; mure/støpe inn; innkapsle


Examples of embed

  • In the unobtrusive version, the affirmative action statement is embedded in a list of other potentially objectionable items about taxes, pollution and so on.

  • Their modus operandi is evidently architectural and is embedded in a well-considered know-how related to the smallscale.

  • We will show that our language is at least as expressive by showing how to embed several value-oriented secure languages in our account.

  • We have begun a systematic study of the stability of compressible mixing layers in which a diffusion flame is embedded.

  • Accordingly, linguistic input to 9-month-olds should facilitate language acquisition when embedded in adult - child interactions while the infant is attending to objects.

  • Technological knowledge can flow within the economic system embedded in new companies.

  • The development of scientific management was embedded in political and moral controversy from the beginning.

  • This allows one to embed template definitions within each other, so that common templates, such as noun phrases, can be reused.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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