democracy Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 the form of government in which all people can vote for representatives -- demokrati [ neuter ]

    • making democracy work for everyone å få demokratiet til å fungere for alle

  • 1 a country that has this form of government -- demokrati [ neuter ]

    • emerging democracies fremvoksende demokratier

    • We live in a democracy. Vi lever i et demokratisk land.

  • 2 (a country having) a form of government in which the people freely elect representatives to govern them -- demokrati, folkestyre

    • He believes in democracy.

    • Which is the world’s largest democracy?


Examples of democracy

  • Why do new parties keep emerging and winning votes in new democracies?

  • Finally, he finds evidence that new democracies with low levels of initial political competition are also more likely to meet with civil conflict.

  • In most parliamentary democracies, single parties are unable to command a majority of support in the legislature.

  • The directive for emerging democracies is clear - promote democratically oriented parties and citizen participation in these parties.

  • We expect that the more advanced democracies will have mass publics who are negative to a situation where religion plays an important role in politics.

  • Electoral democracies now represent 120 of the 192 existing countries and constitute 62.5 percent of the world's population.

  • The culmination of a decade-long process of harmonization and negotiation, this invitation symbolized the success of these countries in instituting political democracies and market economies.

  • We tested this assertion on 113 elections in thirteen democracies.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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