dehydrate Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 to remove water from or dry out (especially foodstuffs) -- tørke, dehydrere

    • Drink plenty of liquids to make sure you don’t dehydrate.


Examples of dehydrate

  • For the immunolocalization study, muscles (normal or infected abdominal muscles) were fixed with 10% formalin, dehydrated and embedded in paraffin according to standard methods.

  • During acute illnesses, elderly patients can rapidly develop renal impairment especially if they are also dehydrated.

  • Another possible approach is heating of amino acids to bring about dehydrating condensation.

  • Usually the gel piece is partially dehydrated and the protease is added in the rehydration solution.

  • For this reason, only bacteria that had been dehydrated by freeze substitution through cold methanol are presented here.

  • However, the high temperatures would dehydrate the tissues and the possibility of workers being burnt led to this option being ruled out.

  • The frozen specimens are then freeze substituted, a process by which they are dehydrated in organic solvent while still frozen.

  • Other freshly-fixed specimens and some of the cryo-specimens were dehydrated in acetone and soaked in amyl acetate.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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