defender Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 a person who defends (someone or something) -- forsvarer


Examples of defender

  • Curiously enough, con-icting tendencies emerge: defenders of interbreeding, opponents of the 'struggle for existence', prophets of mass human degeneration, and so on.

  • In fact, the passive, anticipates a 'lard factor' of 33 to 50 percent which has few defenders nowadays, has fallen in first drafts of sentences.

  • The defenders are few, much less than the number of disaffected sepoys.

  • I will discuss the methodological writings of two defenders of the corpuscular theory.

  • The initial, almost instinctive, response of the industrial bourgeoisie and its ideological defenders was to deny that harm occurred.

  • In general, arthropods from several taxonomic groups appear at extrafloral nectaries, but ants seem to be the most important defenders.

  • The negative relationship between ants and non-ants that has been detected in our study thus means a negative relationship between better a nd less-good defenders.

  • The broken topography offered good cover for the defenders, but for the attackers it was fearsome country.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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